
it'll never fold back

it's so strange, but listen: when i sing, i'm always singing with you. as soon as my own voice rings out, i hear yours behind it. no matter which song. no matter whether i'd ever heard you sing it, or whether i'd ever sung it before myself.

there are only vague visuals here, nothing more than shadows, a wisp of a solid form. simply a twinkle in your eye.

but the sound, the sound. when i sing, i am either on a tiny stage aside you on a too-tall stool, or sitting at the back of a too-large crowd. in one scenario you've invited me; in another i can't be sure you know i'm there. but in both, we know all the words, and i sing with you.

and outside, it is always night, and maybe raining.

<< 07.18.05, 3:17 p.m. >>